Thursday, April 11, 2013

How you can help!

We have been asked "What can we do to help?"  So here are some things you can do to become a part of our adoption and help bring our little one home!

1.  PRAY 
     I wholeheartedly believe that prayer is the biggest thing anyone can do.  Prayer directly touches the heart of the Father.  Here are some things you can specifically pray for:  Pray for the hubby and I to have faith, perseverance, and to clearly hear the Lord as He guides our decisions. Pray for Baby Girl- that her heart would be ready to accept a new sibling when the time comes. Pray for our new little one- that he or she is healthy, protected and LOVED while he or she is waiting to become a part of a new family. Pray that the process will flow smoothly and in a timely manner.  Pray that God would provide the funds to complete the adoption.

     While we are still in the beginning phases, it is my understanding that this process is very much an emotional roller coaster.  As the days and years pass, encourage us not to lose faith.

     There are several ways you can support us.  Emotionally, spiritually and in some cases, financially.  We will be hosting several fundraisers in the coming months.  All of the financial gifts received for those will go directly to the adoption costs. 

~ Currently, we are involved in an ongoing fundraiser called Just Love Coffee.  It is an online website that sells delicious coffee and a portion of the proceeds will be mailed directly to us to be deposited into our adoption account!  So friends and family get to taste some amazing coffee and support an orphan in the process!  Win/win!

Here is a video that explains this incredible company:   Seriously.  Watch this!

And here is where you can go to start drinking some of this delicious coffee!

~  We will also be selling handmade necklaces as a reminder to wear around your neck to pray for our child and also a reminder that He has adopted us into His family forever. "In love He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will—  to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves." Ephesians 1:4b-6

The necklaces are handmade tile pendants on a 24" antique bronze style chain with a lobster claw clasp.

More designs are in the works as well as some with silver chains!

Thank you for praying about how you can be a part of our adoption!  We can't wait to have more updates to share!
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." - James 1:27

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